Live. Learn. Love.


God has been lavishly and overwhelmingly generous to us. Most lavish of all, he gave Jesus, his own Son, for us and has given us his Spirit to be with us. In response to this we want to be generous too, giving all we are and have to him in worship.

One way we do that is to give faithfully and generously with our finances. This strengthens our devotion to Jesus and helps us live open-handed with what God has given to us. It enables us to trust him and his provision, rather than our bank statement. Jesus tell us that where our treasure is, there will be our heart also. He has joined our hearts together as a church family, committed us to his purposes here in Beccles and beyond and we give together to see those purposes accomplished in and through us.

Below is information on how you can give. This is for church family and for those who call Life Church Beccles home. If you're a visitor, we're not after your money, so please feel no obligation to give.


Most of our income comes through monthly standing orders. This helps us to budget and is a simple way for you to maintain your regular giving even if you miss a Sunday morning with us.

To set up a standing order, simply log in to your online banking or visit your local bank branch using the details below:

Life Church Beccles
Account No: 00017023
Sort Code: Forty – Fifty Two – Forty

Gift Aid – Making your gift go further
If you are a UK tax payer we can claim back 25p in every pound that you give through Gift Aid. If you have not Gift Aided to Life Church before please fill in a Gift Aid form available from our treasurer